Czech Republic:

The Czech Republic is a small country in the heart of Europe with more than 10 mil. inhabitans, the capital city is Prague with about 1,2 mil. inhabitans.

It is a republic with two legislative chambers - the Chamber of Deputies and the Senate.
In 1993 The Czech Republic was founded after split of Czechoslovakia.

In 1999 the Czech Republic has become a member of NATO, in 2004 joined EU.


Climate: mixture of oceanic and continental, average winter temperature is  5'C, average summer temperature is around 21'C
Currency: Czech Crown (Kc or CZK)

Total area: 78,865 sq. km

Neighbours: Germany, Austria, Slovakia and Poland.
Length of state borders: 2,303 km

Average height above the sea level:  450 m, the highest mountain is Snezka 1,602 m.
The longest rivers: Labe 1 165 km (415 km in the Czech Rep.), Vltava 433 km.

Time zone - GMT plus 1 hour, from April to October summer time - GMT plus 2 hours

Population: 10,2 million
Official language: Czech
Ethnic composition: Czechs - 94,2 % (Bohemians, Moravians, Silesians), Slovaks - 1,3%, Hungarians - 0,1 %, Polish - 0,5%, Germans - 0,4 %, others - 2,8 %
Religions: Roman Catholic - 39,2 %, Protestants churches - 4,1 %, atheists and non-believers - 39,7 %, others - 17 %
Largest cities (over 100.000 inhabitans): Prague (capital), Brno, Ostrava, Plzen, Olomouc, Liberec, Hradec Kralove